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Bobs Blog

December 4, 2007

I just found this feature on the website package I use, so I shall try to add bits and pieces to it as I go along.

 At the moment, I am sitting at home as the Boss lady has had to go back to the UK for some more tests and checkups. She arrives in Winnipeg on Thursday so I shall be ready to roll again on Friday I expect.

It still appears to be snowing, so I am not going out for a while. Maybe later, i will muster energy enough to go out and shovel the path and deck again. I use the snow to build a mound for Junior to sled down, but this year I have the ATV so I will probably just tow him around instead.

Maybe later, I will be able to figure out how to put pics on the blog page, too.

Posted at: 12:26 PM | Permalink

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