Trucks from my past
These are pics of my old trucks. Special thanks to Bubsy
This was my first long haul truck. A Daf 2800 ATI, VNV 739W. Went like stonk once you got her rolling. Had an Eaton/Fuller 13 speed Roadranger. Pulled allsorts, up to 13'6" wide. Got lost in Hull with a boat on. Ended up in the fruit market.
Daf 2800. That was me driving it I think. June 1990
I used to take this truck to Edinburgh every week with granite for the Royal Mile. If you recall the big re-model of the Mile in 94 then that was me!! I used to get a sausage bap from the bakery across the road from the Sheriffs Court every Monday morning!!
1982 Seddon Atkinson 401, 290 Cummins, coach diff. 9 speed Eaton
Daf 2300. I had two of these when I first started here. They were not as bad as everyone thought, and they were so light! This particular one was very short term. STA 61X.
I didn't mind these trucks, although they were really underpowered!
This truck was awesome. It had a 350, 14 litre Cummins in it, but it went way better than that. It was the first twin splitter I drove, too. When I had it it had been resprayed red and white. The exhaust stack was inredibly loud and would set alarms off if you used the Jake too close to the windows. I had to create a rain hat for the stack, so I used checkerplate. It was a bit heavier than the standard and used to rattle.
Excellent truck!