My, how time flies by!!
3 1/2 years in Canada
Hello again.
My apologies for the delay in updating the site, but things have been a little hectic. I no longer work for Bigfreight. I shall leave the links in place because it seems pointless to remove them. They still hire drivers from overseas so they are a prospect for the drivers looking into moving. I am going to update things as I go along, so please be patient.
Changes that have taken place.
After a second year on the Winter Roads, I came to a parting of the ways with BFS. I actually only really had trouble with a couple of people as I have never been one to hold back once I get into something. It got pretty unpleasant, and I need not say much about it. I found another job, despite my not having Residency at that time, and started out on the same job under a different flag. I had some interesting jobs, I can tell you..
In August 2008, we were granted PR. This was despite my wife getting cancer. A word of advice to prospective immigrants- DO NOT ACCEPT THE WORD OF ANY EMPLOYER IF THEY SAY CANCER IS EXCLUSITORY!!! It may be, but it may not. You have to find out on an individual basis. I know of one driver who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at his PR medical, and he still was allowed to stay.
After 6 months with Flying Eagle, I managed to secure a job with Keystone Western, based in Ile des Chenes, just South of Winnipeg. They have been superb!! Long may it continue!!
As something of an afterthought, you could check out my Youtube site. Search for the user scrapingthebarrel from the homepage.....